It is still winter.
The sky is a dreary gray and the damp wet cold outdoor air can chill a person to the bones.
The sun doesn’t seem to grace my little corner of the world much these days.
Yet this morning as I pulled back the drapes and peeked out my bedroom window, I saw them. They had faithfully returned once again despite what the calendar says.
The robins are back. Crazy right? There is not even a hint of spring…but yet, there they are.
Hopping and chirping their good morning praise to their Creator. Because that is what they know to do.
I watch them with fascination because they truly seem oblivious to the fact that it is still winter and they seem almost foolish making their appearance at this time of the year.
But is it foolishness? I ponder this question and these words come to me.
“Your circumstances should not dictate when or where to praise me!”
Ahhhh…perhaps this tiny feathered friend has brought a Nugget of truth for me this day.
I think back to a story I have read countless times. You probably know it. It is about a man named King Jehoshaphat. You can read it in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30. In fact I encourage you to do that!
The short version of this remarkable account is that the people of God, the Israelites, found themselves surrounded and outnumbered by their enemies on all sides. The king prayed, fasted and sought God for direction and deliverance from their enemies. Do you know what God instructed him to do? He told King Jehoshaphat to put his praise team on the front lines as they marched into battle.
Really? Yes, but guess what happened next? The king and his people NEVER HAD TO FIGHT! Because of the worship that led them forth, all of their enemies became totally confused and they began to fight one another! As a result, the enemies killed off one another and God’s people were saved.
Friends, sometimes praise just doesn’t make sense. But then again, sometimes praise is all we have.
If we wait for our lives to be perfect and free from all stress and problems, we will never open our mouths to praise God. Praise is a choice!
WORSHIP WINS THE WAR! This is a truth that I have lived through a number of times in the past.
Maybe you are facing a fierce battle right now. You see no way to victory. Perhaps you feel stuck in a cold wet bone chilling season. Friends, I challenge you to be like that tenacious little robin today.
PRAISE GOD ANYWAY! No matter how crazy it seems or how foolish it feels, do not let your circumstances dictate when or where to praise your Creator.
Let your praise flow and watch your enemies flee in confusion. God is ready to fight for you!
PS: Will you join me in praising your Creator today in spite of the circumstances you may be facing? If so, leave a comment. I challenge you to confuse the enemy’s camp!
Note: This blog post was written by Rosie Williams and first appeared on Nuggets from the Heart. This blog post, either in part or in its entirety, may not be copied, duplicated, edited or appear in any other publication without the written approval or permission from the author. For full copyright and disclosure information, click here. For questions regarding the use of this blog post, you may send an email to Rosie Williams by clicking here.
How very uplifting!! I So enjoy the outdoors an lovely bird’s, learning from the “faithful Robin” we must be FAITHFUL and keep trusting HIM! Amen, Thank you Rosie❤
Sherrie thank you for visiting and commenting. God can teach us many things if we are willing to learn…even from a little bird!
Yes God is fighting my battles so I choose to praise Him through it all!!
Love this! 🙌🏽💗🕊