Ok, let’s be honest for a moment here and talk about the difficult “W” word. WAITING! Who besides me has at least one impatient gene in their DNA? Waiting is probably one of the hardest things for most people. I admit I am not a fan of waiting for something to happen. We have become an instant gratification society and have become accustomed to having our needs met and at our disposal with the click of a button.
The first few chapters of Luke are filled with so many gems of truth regarding the leading up to and the birth of Christ. Today I want to look at part of Luke 2 to see what nugget we might glean about the waiting process.
Luke chapter 2 opens up to tell us that Caeser Augustus had issued a census decree over the entire Roman world of that time mandating that people needed to register in their own town. Next, we read why Joseph and Mary were on their way to Bethlehem.
4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger because there was no guest room available for them. ~ Luke 2: 4-7 NIV
At the time of this account, most people traveled by foot, donkey or at times, in a cart with their belongings. Only the wealthy used horses for travel. The four to six-day journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem was challenging as well as dangerous for Joseph and Mary. Like other travelers of their day, these journeys often meant facing very rough terrain, wild hungry animals and the grave threat of robbers along the way.
Allow me to interject some thoughts here. There has been considerable debate by Biblical scholars over whether or not Mary actually rode on a donkey to Bethlehem. Luke does not specifically mention a donkey as the means of transportation for Mary. Her other option would have been to walk. It was very unlikely that Joseph would have allowed Mary to walk that distance in her advanced stage of pregnancy if she could ride. Another fact is that most travelers of that time used a donkey to carry their supplies or belongings even if they walked alongside the donkey. If Joseph was using a donkey, would he not have made sure that his soon to be wife, did not have to walk? With those thoughts in mind, most scholars have concluded that Mary would have ridden a donkey on this journey.
So quite likely we find Mary, great with child, on the back of a donkey trodding along at a steady but uncomfortably slow pace. In Luke chapter 1, Mary had quite an interesting conversation with an angel which ended with her saying “yes” to God and laying down her will despite the impact it would make on her life. I cannot help but wonder if Mary was now in deep thought as her swollen belly endured every painful bump on the road. Did she wonder if maybe this whole thing had really been such a good idea? The more I reflected on this scenario and the image of Mary on that donkey, these thoughts came to me.
- God chose the method of transportation to get Mary to her destination.
When God puts us on a journey, he often uses a method that is not our ‘first choice.’ In all honesty, had I been Mary I would have thought there had to be a better plan. A donkey? I mean come on. Here is Mary who is about to deliver the Son of God! I would have been asking Joseph where my stallion was and not to mention my well trained secret servicemen. Not Mary. She stayed on the donkey trusting God had a plan for her even when she did not understand his method. Embracing our journey with God always means embracing his method to get us to our destination.
2. God’s timing is never our timing.
Mary was not going to give birth to Jesus one minute sooner than when God had ordained it to occur. Mary likely rode to Bethlehem on a donkey…not a racehorse. Often times we get so tired of being ‘pregnant’ with a promise from God. Waiting is so exhausting on so many levels. We want it now or even sooner. When God is moving us in a certain direction, there is no room for estimations. ‘ETA’ is not in God’s dictionary. Our PRECISE moment of arrival has already been decided by God. Our job is to obey and to trust in His timing no matter what choice of travel method he chooses.
3. Things may not always look like we imagined once we reach our destination.
It is a good thing I was not Mary. I would have been ready for a hot bath and a comfortable bed when I got off that donkey. I would have wanted a good night’s rest first before going into labor. I would have wanted Joseph to notify the best local hospital that I was on the way (and not by donkey) in order to have the labor and delivery room all set up for me. But Mary…humble, obedient and willing servant! When Mary began her journey I am sure she had no idea that her baby was going to be born in a stable with smelly animals and a straw-filled feeding trough for a baby crib in Bethlehem! Yet this precious young girl did not forget her promise to God from Luke 1:38 when she surrendered her whole life to her Creator in order for him to accomplish his perfect plan to redeem mankind.
Dear friends, I know without a doubt that some of you reading this right now are on a journey. It is a difficult journey. You are tired and very uncomfortable. The waiting seems to have no end in sight. Please hear me on this.
God has not abandoned you. God has not lost sight of the promise he gave you. He knows exactly what he is doing and how he will do it. Oh, the testimonies I could share on my travels with God over the years! I speak from experience when I say you will arrive at your destination. God is forever faithful.
Perhaps you are already at your destination but as you look around you find it does not look like what you expected. My friends, do not be unsettled. God’s promise will still be delivered! Mary did give birth to God’s son and we all know that was just the beginning of the story. Jesus did accomplish what he came to do. No, not that night in Bethlehem as a helpless babe. It would be years later. There had to be more waiting in accordance with the Father’s perfect plan.
But the promise prevailed and the most beautiful story ever told continues to unfold.
Friends I encourage you today to be like Mary. Stay on the donkey. With every step it takes, God is bringing you closer to the delivery of your promise. Count on it!
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” ~Isaiah 55: 8-9 NIV
Note: This blog post was written by Rosie Williams and first appeared on Nuggets from the Heart. This blog post, either in part or in its entirety, may not be copied, duplicated, edited or appear in any other publication without the written approval or permission from the author. For full copyright and disclosure information, click here. For questions regarding the use of this blog post, you may send an email to Rosie Williams by clicking here.
What a super analogy! I enjoyed this a lot!
Hi Angela. Thanks for stopping by to glean from a nugget. I’m glad you were inspired. Blessings sister!
This was, of course, AMAZING <3 Thank you for sharing this amazing and intimate look at this story!
Thank you for visiting Stacey! I’m so glad the message blessed you.
Thank you for this lovely nugget of wisdom. Hope you have a lovely Christmas! ❤️
Jerusha you are most welcome! Thanks for dropping in. I hope you had a Blessed Christmas!