This year proved to be very difficult for the Illinois farmers due to extremes in the weather. The spring brought record rainfalls which resulted in major flooding throughout the Chicago suburbs and most of the midwestern states in general. As a result, the farmers were forced to plant their field corn later than usual. The rains continued through much of the summer. Eventually, the fall season made its appearance and the cornfields begin to show a hopeful harvest as the stalks began to dry out and turn brown. But alas, the weather still had another unforeseen trick in the waiting. Winter made a surprise arrival on October 30th with below normal temperatures and the first snowfall of the season. Remnant frostbitten pumpkins sat in snow-covered fields. What began as a beautiful display of Autumn splendor was brought to an abrupt stop, freezing the leaves on maple and oak trees along with other plant foliage.
And to top it all off, the cornfields had not yet been harvested! That is a big deal to farmers in the midwest. If corn sits too long and remains wet and frozen the loss of the harvest can be devastating. For farmers, this loss not only impacts them financially but causes a ripple effect which affects other industries. The production of livestock feed and ethanol from the field corn is just a small example. Yet, there sat hundreds of acres of snow-covered corn cornfields that awaited a seemingly unfortunate fate.
Ok, before I go any further with this story, let me say this. Don’t worry. This is not a write up on agriculture in the midwest! You know me. I am laying the foundation for a little nugget I want to share with you today.
Indeed many prayers have gone up for the midwest farmers and their corn crop over this past year. God was faithful to hear those prayers. Even when all seemed lost, hope withstood the test for some of the farmers.
Just this past week as I drove through my town, I saw and heard the sounds of combine corn harvesters plowing through many acres of cornfields. Normally this is something that one would see much earlier in the fall season. As I sat at a red light, I watched the farmers methodically drive their harvesters over their fields. One after another, rows of dry brown corn plants were finally coming down, leaving behind stubble from the stalks as well as remnant corn kernels which would be feasted on by flocks of hungry geese very soon.
As I thought about the farmers and their harvest, my mind turned to a harvest of another kind. A harvest that is not corn but that is just as vital to many.
A harvest can look like many things. But the one thing that makes all harvests the same is the timing. Harvests do not happen overnight. There is an appointed time for a harvest season. At times, conditions make a harvest seem to be delayed and even threatened.
I would remind you that God is faithful. He sees and knows the importance of YOUR harvest.
May I ask you a question? What harvest are you waiting for my friend?
A wayward son or daughter to find their way back to God?
Healing for an illness that has lingered far too long?
Restoration to a marriage that you have fought so hard to restore?
A breakthrough for a job or your finances?
The mending of a broken relationship?
An open door for a ministry you long to fulfill?
The ____________. (You fill in the blank.)
The list may seem endless. But keep in mind that God is eternal. He sees and knows all from the beginning to the end. He does hear your prayers. Never doubt that.
This Thanksgiving week as we turn our focus on our many blessings, ponder this. If God cares about the farmers and their corn crop, don’t you think he cares about your harvest too? I assure you he most certainly does! Do not give up hope on your harvest. It is for an appointed time. Take a step of faith and thank him in advance for the harvest he is sure to bring you.
So once again I ask you. What harvest are you waiting for? I know for myself, I still have a list of harvest promises I am waiting on to be fulfilled.
What about you? I encourage you to leave me a comment below. You do not have to give details, but you certainly can if you want to. Or you can simply say, “Please pray for my harvest!” I will pray for you.
Be patient. Be hopeful. Be at peace.
And while you wait, listen carefully. Before you know it, you too will hear the sound of a harvester coming to your field!
Then the Lord answered me and said, “Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, That the one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.” ~Habakkuk 2:2-3 NASB
Note: This blog post was written by Rosie Williams and first appeared on Nuggets from the Heart. This blog post, either in part or in its entirety, may not be copied, duplicated, edited or appear in any other publication without the written approval or permission from the author. For full copyright and disclosure information, click here. For questions regarding the use of this blog post, you may send an email to Rosie Williams by clicking here.
Your words always reach and speak to me at the right time!! So amazing how God uses you that way. I love this piece you have written……thanks for the reminder and the encouragement for me to be patient for the harvest.
Thank you my dear friend!! Yes..right on time..right on time!!❤
“Let us not become weary in doing good..for at the proper time we WILL reap a harvest..if we do not give up.”
Jan C.
I thank God for your encouraging words that seem to come to me just at the right time. Almost every one of those above that you listed I am waiting on. Hallelujah harvest is coming for all of us!
This old world is weary. People are weary. The flood of the Holy Spirit will soon fall on America. Unprecedented things will happen for His kingdom. As the days grow more evil and darker we are reassured that answered prayer is closer than ever.
Be blessed my sister!
I love you!