According to the calendar, the Spring season arrived a few weeks ago here in the Midwest. Alas, the weather in our location does not acknowledge what the calendar proclaims. The robins made their joyful appearance with song and a flurry of activity on March 1st. We are now about to close out the month of April in a little over a week. Sadly, our little feathered friends have lived a bewildered existence here in this area for almost two months now. They have found themselves trying to nest amid several snowfalls thus far. We have seen rain, wind, and even hail during some of the severe thunderstorms that we have had intermittently for the past several weeks. Our daffodils and tulips have bravely bloomed into bright yellows, reds, purples, and pinks despite the hard cold ground that binds their fragile roots. Some days they too have been covered with a blanket of snow. But nature knows that Winter will not stay forever. So, it waits.
Yes, we have had a few hopeful glimpses of Spring. There have been a handful of warm sunny days but not enough to convince anyone that Spring is finally here to stay. For the most part, the remnants of winter continue to cling to the daily weather temperatures. My daughter commented earlier today how strange it is to see new green grass in everyone’s yards, yet our neighbors come out to mow their lawns bundled up in coats and long pants. Several early tree blossoms have already succumbed to dipping temps leaving the trees wondering if they dare continue to send forth green leaves. Even now I am sitting here with a very hot cup of tea trying to warm my bones from the brisk chill in the air today. The temperature outdoors is a damp 47 degrees and it is evident that we will not see it hit the 50-degree mark as forecasted. To top things off, we are under another temperature freeze warning for tonight. The Spring season is truly elusive.
So, we wait.
We wait to feel the warmth of the sun on our faces.
We wait to walk with bare feet on grass that cushions our joyful steps.
We wait to dig in the soil again and plant gardens in anticipation of a summer harvest.
We wait to hear the squeals of children running through the water sprinklers and splashing in swimming pools.
We wait…because we know in our hearts that Spring will come and stay in time.
Ponder this thought for a minute. There are seasons in our lives that can resemble a long-awaited “Spring.” At times it may seem that the cold chill of “Winter” clings to our souls with a tenacity that can be almost overwhelming. I am referring to those times when a trial, a hardship, or a season of turmoil enters your life and refuses to give way to happier days. You wonder amid those difficult cold spells if your heart will ever sing again or if your soul will ever know how to laugh again. I get it. Really, I do. I have been where you are in the past and not just once.
But let me encourage you today. Winter never lasts forever. Spring may tarry but it eventually WILL make its appearance. So, whatever you are going through, no matter how long or how hard the season is at this moment, you will not stay stuck in that place forever.
Wait on the Lord. And while you wait, do so with intention.
Stay in God’s Word. Cling to his promises. Recall the many other times he has brought you through one of those depressing long “Winter” seasons that seemed to drain your mind, heart, and soul. He did it before and he will do it again.
I challenge you to take heart and stand firm on this truth. Winter will not last forever and Spring will eventually return bringing the warmth of better days ahead. The Lord will not fail you. Wait on the Lord.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
PS: Are you experiencing a difficult spiritual “winter?” Do you need some encouragement? Leave me a comment below. You can simply say, “Pray for me.” It will be my privilege to do so.
God truly surprise me with your post today(sometimes my waiting has felt so long and some days I feel tired). I’m grateful for your encouraging words, right on time for me to close this week to hold on to this true and keep waiting on Him, to trust on His way.May God used this to everyone that need this remainder.
Hello Marvy. I am so happy that this post was an encouragement to you. Seasons of waiting are never easy but God uses that waiting to strengthen a person’s faith. Don’t give up!
Such beautiful and timely words of encouragement Rosie! Yes, l also await the full blossoming of spring and all of the beauty that encompasses my favorite season and even though the ground is still cold, l savor the warmth of the sun as it heats up the fertile soil all around us
and patiently smile at the Goodness of God in all of the seasons of my life!
Dianne thank you for your sweet comment. I hope you will visit often and be inspired. God’s blessing on you.