See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in the land. ~Song of Solomon 2:11-12 NIV
It is January in Middle Tennessee and I am sitting at my desk journaling some thoughts for another blog post. My favorite wrap is draped over my shoulders and I gratefully sip on my steaming cup of green mint tea. As I peer out the window I see the sky is dressed in heavy gray clouds and there is a light but steady rain coming down. The forecast calls for a forty-degree day but it is evident that the predicted temperature will be a struggle to reach.
Suddenly I see something that a lot of people would not expect to see in the first month of a calendar year. Living in Illinois for 10 years prior, I never once remember feasting my eyes in the dead of winter on what has captured my attention at this moment. My eyes are drawn to a flurry of activity as I watch a large flock of robins hopping about my front lawn as if it was a spring day! Yes—ROBINS. Robins in JANUARY!
I remind myself again that this is Tennessee and the temperatures here are not always defined by the rules of the winter season. I continue to watch these little birds and grow even more intrigued with them as they stir another one of my senses to life. Not only are these feathered creatures fluttering about but they are SINGING! In spite of the chill and rain of the day their song reaches my heart and I smile at this unusual display of what could be defined as a seasonal tug-of-war. This moment in time suddenly fills me with hope of a promise once again. My bones may feel chilled but my soul is suddenly warmed with a reminder that the robins always come back. Winter never lasts forever! For every winter season, a spring must follow.
As I ponder this promising thought, my mind races back to another cold frigid winter morning in Illinois where we were living at the time. It was early March of 2006. After a lengthy illness my mother had finally gone to be with her beloved Lord just a few weeks before. The pain from that loss was great and I was still very deep in my grieving process. Sipping on a cup of tea, I stood staring out my kitchen window into the backyard missing her very much. Suddenly a lone robin swooped down landing on a leafless dormant tree branch. In spite of that damp cold and dreary day, this sweet bird began to sing his song as though the sun was beaming down on him. As I marveled at this tiny creature I felt a tug on my heart. I knew God was sending me a message of hope as I “heard” these words spoken so clearly to my heart:
“Remember my promise. Even in your winter, there is always the hope of a spring. Just because you did not see the robin all winter does not mean he stopped singing. You do not see your mother now but she is still singing and her winter is gone forever. Rejoice and sing for your spring is coming; not only in the natural but in the spirit as well. Rejoice!”
I remember shedding quiet tears of joy in that moment. God had seen my grief and in that brief moment through one little robin’s song, He brought comfort to my broken heart. It was indeed what I often refer to as a “GOD WINK” moment. God saw me and winked letting me know He understood my struggle. In that moment I knew I was not alone in my grief because my Heavenly Father was sending his comfort which gave me me joy in the midst of sorrow.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” ~Matthew 5:4 NKJV
I want to share some thoughts with you regarding “winter seasons.” Winters are not confined to the month on a calendar nor are they exclusively defined by the reading on a thermostat. The effects of a weather related winter can often be mild in comparison to another type of winter. The winter I am referring to is one that is emotional, physical, and sometimes even spiritual. These type of winters can bring a depth of cold to the soul that can paralyze a life and bring a despair that may seem unending.
ARE YOU THERE NOW? The list can be endless.
The chronic illness that has lingered far too long…
The marriage that grows more difficult with each passing day…
The teenager who continues to walk in rebellion…
The work place environment that continues to wear you down…
The bitter pain of betrayal from the one person you felt you could really trust…
The depression that grips you day after day…
The _____________________________ (you fill in the blank)
You know exactly what I mean. You have done all you know to do and experienced every emotion you possibly could. Yet for all the crying and the praying and the pleading and exhaustion nothing seems to change.
Even worse, you feel convinced that no one really understands what you are going through. My friend I know what you are going through. I have been there…more than once. No my “winter” may not have looked exactly like yours because the circumstances were probably different. But it is still a winter! How I wish I could promise you that you are going to wake up tomorrow and your frigid season of the soul will be over. I cannot. But I can tell you that one day you will wake up and the cold death grip of your winter will be loosened and you will see that spring has finally returned. What you thought was dead suddenly begins to show signs of life. Regardless of how cold or how long your winter has been, in that moment you will find yourself beginning to experience a twinge of hope once more.
Weeping may endure for the night, but joys comes in the morning. ~Psalm 30:5 NIV
So my friend, do not give up! Hold on a bit longer. With each passing day the end of your winter draws just a little closer. And please…whatever you do, do not isolate yourself. Don’t try to face your winter alone. Find at least one person to walk this season out with you…to pray with you…to cry with you. All it takes is one to ease the burden just a little.
I will say this again. Winters do not last forever. Listen now. What is that you hear? Is it the sound of song? A song that only a tiny feathered creature can joyfully create as he helps to usher in a new season. Go ahead. Dare to take a peek out your window. You may be pleasantly surprised to see that it was true after all. The robins always come back!
PS: Friend, are you feeling “stuck in winter” today? It would be my privilege to pray for you. Leave a message in the comments…no details needed unless you want to share. You can simply say “pray for me.” Don’t give up. Your Spring is coming.
Note: This blog post was written by Rosie Williams and first appeared on Nuggets from the Heart. This blog post, either in part or in its entirety, may not be copied, duplicated, edited or appear in any other publication without the written approval or permission from the author. For full copyright and disclosure information, click here. For questions regarding the use of this blog post, you may send an email to Rosie Williams by clicking here.
SO precious from beginning to end, and the second to last paragraph perhaps at this time I appreciate the most because it is the call on our lives to be present for one another and offer that listening ear and heart to love out neighbor………
This is beautiful! I believe we are like-minded in our sentiments and stories regarding the dead of winter bringing the hope of spring. I thoroughly enjoyed your sharing here. You have ministered to my soul. Blessings from your #FridayFie neighbor.
Andrea thank you for visiting. I am happy you were blessed. Yes the hope of spring brings a wonderful renewal to the soul!Come back and visit soon.
Rosie — I create a monthly newsletter and in the newsletter, I share links to posts written by Christian bloggers. I look forward to sharing a link to this post in my March newsletter!
All the best,
Thank you Robin. I am honored to have you link any of my stories to your newsletters. Thanks for the invitation. Have a blessed day!
Beautiful words! Thank you for sharing. Yes – Pray for me! I love to ask others, how can I pray for you? I am in a season and I know I am growing as God continues to prepare me for what comes next. I wait with much anticipation!
It would be my privilege to pray for you Robin. Prayer gives grace as we wait on answers. The good news is that the answers WILL come! Blessings to you.
I shared this- a lot! I loved it. Many of the women I talk to are stuck in that very “winter” season so this is very appropriate for them. So so so so encouraging and beautifully written. Thank you!
Robin thank you for helping me share some encouragement through my post. That is always my prayer before I hit “publish.” I ask the Lord to please put each story in front of just the right person at just the right time. I believe that is a prayer He always answers! Have a blessed day.
My sweet friend and “adopted” daughter Ann…I know this season has seemed unending. I am thankful you were encouraged by the words today. You are in my prayers and I stand with you in hopeful expectation of the Spring that is coming your way in God’s perfect timing! Love you.
Thanks Rosie for this great nugget. It hit me right in my heart. I appreciate your rawness and realness. I know my winter will eventually be over…and I am praying and waiting with expectations for what our Lord has planned for me!! God bless you!
There was a time when birds chirping was a horrible sound to me during a depression that felt I could never escape from. But through God sending me prayer warriors and people who cared, my miracle came and the chirping sound was music to my soul and ears . Seems we hate the struggles but love the struggle. In times of despair in times of loneliness, times of decisions to be made our Heavenly Father wraps his arms around us and comforts our struggle. From his loving touch we grow out of our struggle only to comfort someone else. Sharing our struggle ministers so much to another person. Don’t keep it hidden, open your heart.
Oh Lisa there is so much truth in your words. God is truly faithful to bring others along side us in our time of need. I am forever grateful to him for the many beautiful souls He has put in my life during those difficult seasons. And yes in turn with the comfort we have received, we then will comfort others. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. God bless you!
Your story about your mom reminded me of a time in my life when I too lived in Illinois (now in Tennessee). It was January and I lost a very dear friend to breast cancer. She was my neighbor also, so when I looked out my kitchen window I could see the back of her house. I remember looking out that window and remembering the times in the summer before when we would talk across the fence and share a story or a laugh. I missed her terribly and my heart grieved as I thought of her three young children and husband. The day of her burial, I remember the wind blowing in bursts of strength as we stood around her grave. It felt like her. It felt like she was saying a final good-by and giving us each a hug for the last time until we met again. She was assuring us she was with the LORD and no longer had pain or tears. I will never forget it as long as I live.
There is a song I listen to once and awhile called Gabriel’s Oboe. It is an instrumental song that reminds me of the soul of my friend. Every time I hear it I celebrate her life and still feel the joy her friendship brought to my life. That song is God’s wink to me that He’s got her and all is well.
Thank you dear, dear friend for your beautiful words. I am thankful for you!
” To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;” Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 (NKJ)
Debbie this is such a touching story. Thank you my friend, for sharing this with me and with other readers. I know it will bless them as well. Appreciate and love you my friend. Blessings on your day and thanks for being a part of the Nuggets world!