A dream is not a dream unless it brings a challenge. Often it’s not just one challenge but more like multiple ones. Ah but that’s how you know it’s a dream. Your dream is bigger than you are! It may even seem an impossible task at times. Even so it lives deep in your being and the hunger to see it birthed becomes greater as time goes on. In your mind you see the fulfillment of your dream and it stirs an excitement that your heart can hardly contain.
A tiny word of caution… Don’t be too quick to share your dream with everyone. You may be surprised to find out that not everyone will be as enthusiastic about your dream. That’s ok. It’s not their dream. It’s your dream. It was planted deep in your soul by God himself because he knows he can trust you with that particular dream meant just for you.
Don’t give up on your dream. Anything worth having takes time, energy, hard work, faith and yes even tears. It takes focus and commitment. It takes determination in the face of challenges, frustration and opposition.
Don’t allow fear to paralyze you but instead let it propel you to move forward in pursuit of your dream. Fear of failure pales in comparison to the fear of never having gone after your heart’s desire. Do not let fear kill your dream!
Achieving your dream will not be easy but in the end it will be worth it. It’s your dream. Don’t give up on it!
Photo credit: Unsplash.com
I like reading these and I can hear your voice reading them to me. Love you mom