“Red rover, Red Rover, let Rosie come over!” How many can still remember that playground game as a child during many a recess break in those early school years? First there was the eager joining of hands to make an unbreakable barrier for the one who would be called to the other side. Then the anticipation of waiting to hear your name called was often enough to make your heart jump out of your chest. This mixed with the excitement of actually hearing your name from across the field was what sent that bolt of adrenaline through your body that made you run faster than ever. Oh it was a great game—unless you were one of the last to be called over to the other side. Or even worse was the shame of being the very last one called when all the “best kids” had been chosen and you were the one left feeling unwanted and rejected.
I remember as a child playing that game in elementary school. I recall one boy in particular who was always last. Kenneth was his name. Nobody wanted Kenneth. I always felt sorry for him. His sandy blonde hair was always a mess and his stained clothes looked like he had slept in them each night. He was slower than the other boys and was often the object of their ridicule. But Kenneth had the most strikng blue eyes I had ever seen on a boy up to that point in my young life. There was however, a sadness in his eyes that was as deep as the color of those eyes. There was something almost haunting about them. Maybe the sadness came from problems he faced at home. Maybe it was from knowing he could never measure up to the other boys. Maybe it was because he was just tired of the hand life had already dealt him at the tender age of nine. Whatever the reason I somehow knew even at my early age that no one should be that sad or unwanted. Eventually Kenneth and his family moved and he no longer attended our school. For a long time I thought about the lonely boy with the sad eyes who was always last when we played Red Rover. I hoped that wherever he had gone that maybe things would go better for him but I do not know what became of this young boy.
Have you ever felt like Kenneth? Does life sometimes feel like one big “Red Rover” game at times? You have done your best to be a part of the game—in your career, your relationships, even perhaps your church or your ministry. But it seems no matter how much you try or how high you raise your hand to be acknowledged, you always seem to be overlooked. As unfair as it seems you find that the circumstances in your life have made you feel less valuable than others.
Well then dear one I need you to hear me on what I am about to say. Listen and listen well. I have some news for you—great news in fact! Regardless of what others say or think of you, there is One who loves you and thinks you are amazing! He is the One who created you in His image and fashioned you with love into exactly who he wanted you to be. Friend you are unique and there are gifts that God placed in you that only you will ever be able to use to impact those around you. Stop comparing yourself to others. Ok so maybe they have talents and abilities that you do not have—but likewise the reverse is also true! Use YOUR God given talents and abilities to make an impact right where you are. Look to God and focus on what He has for you. He has a great plan for your life regardless of what the world has to say.
I believe the following quote by Corrie Ten Boom explains this best:
“If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed.
If you look within, you’ll be depressed.
If you look at God you’ll be at rest.”
My friend your worth is NOT based on the job you hold, the title you have, the car you drive, the clothes you wear, the neighborhood you live in or how you look! Your worth is based on nothing more than the fact that you ARE God’s child. He loves you and he will never reject you. He cannot forget you. Each time he looks at his hand he sees you there!
“Can a mother forget the infant at her breast, walk away from the baby she bore? But even if a mother forgets,
I’d never forget you—never.
Look I’ve written your name on the backs of my hands…”
Isaiah 49:15-16
~The Message Bible~
Take a minute now and read the following poem. Let the words sink into the depths of your being. Copy it and put it on your own refrigerator as a reminder of just how much God loves YOU!
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every spring.
He sends you a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He listens.
He can live anywhere in the universe,
but…He chose your heart.
Face it, friend – He is crazy about you!
God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without
sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise
strength for the day,
comfort for the tears,
and light for the way.
So there! God IS crazy about you for who you are and not for what you can do. The next time you awaken to witness a beautiful sunrise or stand in awe of a peaceful sunset remember that God put that beauty there for you. He never said the journey would be easy but he did promise to travel it with you every step of the way! Friend, do not be afraid to line up and play the game with all you’ve got. God is about to call out your name.
“Red Rover Red Rover let __________ come over!”
YES! That is the sound of your loving Heavenly Father speaking. He is building his team and he has chosen you to be on it. So dear one, fill in your name and RUN! You have been chosen!
From my heart to yours,
Rosie <3
photo courtesy of Aimee Weaver: www.aimee-weaver.blogspot.com
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