A couple of weeks ago I made one of those purposeful decisions. I decided to take some time and be intentional in connecting with some friends. It was time to set aside the craziness and busyness of life and just catch up on their lives and share the things that are current to mine. I met two different friends for lunch on two separate days. One of these friends had a birthday in May but we had not been able to get our schedules in sync with one another to celebrate. But, better late than never! Right? When I met with my second friend over lunch, we talked so long that we joked, saying we could have just stayed and had an early supper! The time spent with these sisters enjoying salads and sweet tea was filled with rich conversations. By the time we parted ways, I have to say that my heart was smiling.
That same week I attended a birthday celebration for one of my sweet Bible study “Jesus girls.” Oh my, how the fun and laughter bubbled over. What was supposed to have been a two-hour brunch spilled over into a four-hour joy session. We laughed, we shared, we caught up and we prayed for the birthday girl. In the midst of all this, we just sort of lost track of time…but guess what? No one complained!
Later in the week, I had a wonderful, leisurely coffee chat on the phone with a very dear long time friend who lives in Illinois. As usual we just took up where we left off the last time we spoke. It was a refreshing time for both of us to be able to share our hearts in such a genuine manner. There were others who I could not get together with in person so I sent out several emails to friends that had been on my mind recently. My friends said how blessed they were to have us spend some time together either in person or by phone. I know I was equally, if not more, blessed than they were!
Let’s face it. Life can be chaotic. We all have so many things pulling us in hundreds of directions each day. But one thing I have learned is that lasting relationships do not just happen without the investment of time. Time…if only we could slow it down! Hours slip through our fingers and turn into days. Days fly by and another week is gone. The weeks pass and before we know it the calendar flips over to the next month. And we all know how quickly the months add up and we soon realize another year is behind us. Time is truly a precious gift and I think it is good to reflect now and then on how we are making the most of it. By this, I do not mean how much more we can cram into those twenty-four hours, but rather how do we wisely pick and choose the things that are really important.
I stumbled on this quote by Rick Warren, a well-known pastor and author. Take a minute to reflect on his words:
“Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you’ll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time. It is not enough to just say relationships are important; we must prove it by investing time in them. Words alone are worthless. “My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.” Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is “T-I-M-E.”
-Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I hear For?
These words really spoke to my heart because I think they summarize beautifully just what a precious thing the gift of time really is. It is a gift we are given and it is a gift we can give to others. Investing time in people is simply a way of saying, “You matter to me.”
Friends, I challenge you today to take a little time to think about the people in your life. Is there someone who you seem to have lost contact with? It could be a friend or a family member. Be intentional and make it a point to connect with them soon. One thing I have found is that all too often we run into someone at the mall, the grocery store or even at church. We have a very brief “how are you doing chat” and end it with, “Let’s get together soon!” Somehow “SOON” never seems to happen. I know because I have been guilty of this very thing more than once. This is why I say that we need to decide to be INTENTIONAL at times to keep those valued relationships nurtured. So how about it? I know at least one person has come to your mind as you are reading this. Reach out today and set a day and time to have a long overdue heart to heart conversation with that person.
Now if you are ready to take the challenge, leave a comment below. Simply say, “I am going to make some time to________________.”
After all, it really all comes down to this: It’s just a matter of time. Let’s make it count in the best way we can!
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV
PS: We are in the middle of our Summer book giveaways! We had such a great response with the June giveaway I decided to choose TWO names in July. Yep, that is right. TWO winners will be randomly picked and each will receive one of the featured books. Click HERE for details and to sign up for the July giveaway.
Many thanks to two lovely ladies, Christine Carter and Whit Devereaux for making their books available in the July book giveaway. Click on their names to find out more about these two gifted authors.
Now my Nuggets followers, when you make time in the near future to connect with some friends, would you share a blessing with them? Invite them to follow my blog and to sign up for the July giveaway. And don’t forget to check out the updated Summer Reading List as well by clicking HERE.
There is plenty of goodness to be shared. Blessings my friends!
Thank-you Rosie! This was so challenging! I have so appreciated your beautiful nuggets and have nominated you for a Blogger Recognition award. You can see my post about it here:
Thank-you so much Rosie for using your talent for His glory! I appreciate you and your ministry!
Esther, you are such a blessing to me! I am honored and humbled to receive this award. I cannot wait to pay it forward as well. God bless you, my friend!
Thanks for this reminder Rosie.
I have a person in my mind that needs my presence, encouragement, and prayer. As I’ve dealt with my own trial lately (a sick child) I forgot to get back to this person and let her know that her plight matters to me as well.
Hi Kate. I am sure your friend understands the call of motherhood and all it entails. But I bet she will be so happy to hear from you. Thanks for taking the challenge. Blessings!
Somebody’s name did immediately come to mind! Thank you. I needed this. I am committing to get in touch with this friend tomorrow (It’s 10pm where I am now, so it will have to wait till the morning)!
Pia, thank you for taking the challenge. I know that person who cam e to mind will be so happy to hear from you soon. Blessings!
I shall call my friend Joan today! Thank you for exhorting us towards good works!
Yay and way to go Tammy! Joan will be pleased. God bless you sister.
My first attitude was, “Not right now”. Lol! I’m at that place now that except I’m totally intentional about it, I can’t have the kind of experiences you shared here and I do need them so much. Thank you for the reminder and may the Lord bless your week very much in Jesus’ name.
Hi Edith. Well I wish I could say that every week is open to so many lunch dates and parties! But we squeeze in what we can, right? When we reach out to friends in any way, it is a blessing. Thanks for visiting and God Bless!
Thank you Rosie for your needed nuggets!! I will be making some much needed phone calls this week!! ❤ jan
Hi Jan. Thank you for taking the challenge. I know your friends will be happy to hear from you. God bless you my friend.
I echoed this sentiment recently on my blog. Friendships are a true blessing.
Stopping by from CWBU
Hi NYLSE. I love how God can take similar messages and spread them around in various clusters or circles of people. He always knows who needs to hear a certain message or read a certain story at just that certain time. I am so glad you stopped in for a visit. God bless you and your heart to bless others.
I love this nugget!
I will make a concerted effort to talk with family members that I haven’t seen in a long while. Thank you for your message! It’s really hard when stuff gets in the way! You know hurts and emotional things and garbage!!
Nice to hear from you again, love you! Barb Baustian
Hi there Barb. How good to hear from you today. Thank you for taking the challenge to reach out to family members. Love will not fail. God bless you my friend.
Rosie, as I was reading your nugget I was thinking of my aunt who recently passed into God’s kingdom. At her funeral, I was flooded with memories of all the times we shared over the years. I have many childhood memories of going to her house and playing games and singing and talking. I realized in that moment how precious time spent with those we love is. Those moments are treasures we hold in our hearts forever. It reminds me of Luke 2:19 “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
When all is said and done, what we keep are memories of time spent with people. The dust on the table can wait one more day, but saying I love you to someone we hold dear can’t. Or waiting a few extra minutes to cash out because you let someone with less groceries in front of you is time well spent.
Your words are so true dear friend. Thank you for the reminder. I am thankful for the time spent here with you at Nuggets from the Heart. I am going to make some time today to email an old friend from Illinois who came to my mind too as I read your devotion.
Hi Debbie. I am so glad you have such wonderful memories of your aunt. The sweet memories you have of her will be with you always. Thank you for sharing such a sweet comment. It touched my heart. Thank you for taking the challenge. Your friend will be blessed to hear from you! Blessings my friend.
What a wonderful post. Relationships are so important especially those spent in time with the Lord. I am for sure going to invest in making my time count. Loving, caring, helping and watching others laugh and grow is such a blessing because let’s face it, when we bless others, we are blessed. Love you Rosie. Thanks for sharing and pouring your heart out in your nuggets .
Hello my friend. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. And thank you for accepting the challenge. Much love to you too and God bless.